Thursday, September 26, 2019

7:02 AM - No comments

ABC of Conflict and Disaster

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 Disasters are commonly divided into “natural” and “man made,” but such distinctions are generally artificial. All disasters are fundamentally human made, a function of where and how people choose or are forced to live. The trigger may be a natural phenomenon such as an earthquake, but its impact is governed by the prior vulnerability of the affected community.

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Poverty is the single most important factor in determining vulnerability: poor countries have weak infrastructure, and poor people cannot afford to move to safer places. Whatever the disaster, the main threat to health often comes from the mass movement of people away from the scene and into inadequate temporary facilities.

 An adequate response requires planning and coordination at national and international levels. Famine, like other “natural disasters,” leads to the mass movement of people. It is a cause or consequence of other humanitarian crises including complex emergencies—where conflict compounds humanitarian needs and responses.

Download ABC of Conflict and Disaster 


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