Thursday, September 26, 2019

6:41 AM - No comments


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 Download E-Book Click Here
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 Download E-Book Click Here
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The free Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Initiative was launched by the Government of India on the 1st
April 2004 in the six high prevalent states (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Nagaland
and Manipur) in eight Government hospitals. As in November 2008, there are now 191 ART centres in the
country providing comprehensive ART services to the eligible people. In a country with 2.3 million infected
with HIV, currently about 1,80,000 people have been enrolled for ART.
The nurses are the first point of contact of the HIV infected in a hospital setting or any setting with
in-patient facility. The nurses need to be equipped with adequate knowledge on HIV/AIDS and all the aspects
including prevention, treatment, care and support. This will not only enable them to protect themselves from
getting infected with HIV but also help in reducing stigma and discrimination against people infected with
HIV and encourage nurses to provide quality care and support services to the PLHAs. In a resource limited
setting where there is a dearth of qualified professionals to conduct quality counseling it has become
increasingly important to train the nurses in the art of quality counseling for long term sustainability.
The Indian Nursing Council in coordination with the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) has
put in unprecedented efforts in bringing up these two modules for training of nurses in HIV/AIDS. These
two modules “Facilitators’ Guide” and the “Nurses’ Manual” have been prepared including all the aspects
of the HIV/AIDS prevention (Primary and secondary), treatment, care and support of the PLHAs. All
relevant guidelines from the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) have been incorporated in these
The modules will equip the nurses to provide standardized and quality counseling, care and support
services to the people infected with HIV. The nurses form the backbone of our health system and empowering
them with knowledge on HIV/AIDS will also help in reducing the stigma and discrimination and help in
improving the quality of the PLHAs


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